Are You a Right Candidate for a Dental Implant?

Tooth loss during one's lifetime can be due to many reasons. Sometimes teeth are missing since birth, and sometimes ignored cavities for a long time may lead to this unfortunate event. Dental implants are the most preferred option by dentists for replacing missing teeth. However, not every person with missing teeth is a suitable candidate for dental implant placement.

Multiple factors are involved in the success of a dental implant. Before choosing a dental implant, you must consult your dentist and discuss all the risks and benefits of the treatment.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgical metal posts that are placed inside the jawbone to mimic the function of a natural tooth, which might be lost because of pathology or congenitally missing since birth. 

The metal post integrates with the bone firmly with a process called osseointegration. Implants are ideal for the replacement of a single tooth, multiple missing teeth, or completely edentulous arches. 

When are Dental Implants Considered? 

  • When a single or many teeth are missing,

  • To support a bridge or replace a partial denture.

  • For stability and support to the denture in completely edentulous patients.

  • In patients with hyperactive gag reflex and muscle function.

  • In patients who are psychologically incapable of wearing dentures.

  • Implants are also considered in orthodontic treatments for additional anchorage.

Advantages of getting Implants over Traditional Bridges and Dentures.

Maintain anatomy and bone integrity: With the loss of a tooth, bone resorption begins after some time at that site. The bone reduction makes the jaw recede and changes the facial profile as the other teeth start to move and shift into the empty space. The Dentist New Prague MN suggests replacing the tooth at the earliest to maintain normal function and aesthetics.

Preservation of healthy tooth structure: Conventional ways of replacing teeth, such as bridge placement, require the cutting of adjacent teeth, which is detrimental to the healthy tooth. With implants, the need for involvement of adjacent teeth is eliminated, and hence the healthy tooth structure is conserved.

Stability: as the dental implants integrate with the bone, the implant stays fixed at one site, unlike dentures that possess movement while performing basic functions such as chewing or yawning. Dental implants offer superior comfort and stability, which improves the patient’s experience.

Criteria for Candidacy for Dental Implants

Before getting a dental implant, a couple of diagnostic X-rays are required to see the bone health or the presence of any anomalies.

For a dental implant, one must have:

Good overall health: Dental implant placement is a surgical procedure. Any medical condition that might interfere with healing can cause failure of the dental implant. If the candidate is immunocompromised due to any disease, the dental implant might not be a good option for you. Patients suffering from heart disease, diabetes, or any blood disorder must consult their physician and dentist before considering this option.

Adequate bone: A certain amount of bone is required for the placement of bone. If the bone is not present, your dentist might consider other additional procedures such as bone grafts or sinus lifts, and so on.

Absence of bad oral habits: If the patient has any habits such as tobacco chewing or smoking and alcoholism, you must consider ceasing the habit before getting a dental implant. Smoking and tobacco chewing have devastating effects on oral health, which are elevated with alcohol consumption. In these cases, implants are deemed to fail.

Healthy gums and good oral hygiene: Gum diseases due to poor oral hygiene affect bone health tremendously. With the presence of gum disease, bone loss is most expected, which is not a suitable scenario for implant placement. It's necessary to maintain good oral hygiene for getting dental implants.

Absence of destructive oral habits: Before getting a dental implant, therapy or rehabilitation for oral habits such as teeth grinding is necessary. These habits are destructive to oral health and can cause long-term damage. Excessive forces on implants are not apt for lifelong results.

Stable financial plans: Dental implants are quite expensive and may not be necessarily covered by insurance plans. Before getting dental implants, one must carefully choose the insurance plan and calculate the budget. If implants are not affordable for any reason, one can consider other alternatives.

Dental implants at Dental On First

Schedule an appointment today with the Dentist in New Prague and take your first step towards a healthy smile journey. Our experts are here to guide you and provide assistance throughout the treatment procedure. Contact us for detailed information and the best treatment plans for yourself.


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