Everything You Need to Know About Dental Veneers

 Cosmetic dentistry aims to provide maximum aesthetic results with minimal trauma to the tooth structure. Restoring a smile is like restoring the self-esteem and confidence of a person. Cosmetic dentistry has revolutionized dental practices by completely enhancing the aesthetics with smile makeover techniques while keeping the oral structures in harmony. One of the most common procedures in this field is dental veneers.

A dental veneer is a tooth-colored layer of composite, porcelain, or ceramic to restore localized defects such as crooked teeth, stains or discolorations on the internal surface of the teeth, abnormally shaped teeth, and small gaps.

When should you consider dental veneers?

Dental veneers are quite an effective treatment with less tooth destruction and hence are preferred by dentists. Dental veneers are known to deliver satisfactory results, but it is a treatment that requires replacement every 10-15 years. You can visit a dental clinic to get the dental veneers if you have:

  • Aesthetically unpleasing teeth.

  • Abnormally shaped tooth.

  • Intrinsic stains or congenital stains that cannot be removed by bleaching.

  • Gaps between the teeth, like diastema in the front teeth.

  • Worn-out teeth

  • If your teeth have a developmental defect of the enamel, such as enamel hypoplasia.

  • Imperfect surface of the teeth.

  • Fractured tooth with minimal structural loss.

Types of dental veneers:

Porcelain veneers:

Thin shells of porcelain are prepared in the lab, which are then bonded onto the front tooth surface of the tooth. Porcelain veneers offer excellent aesthetic stability and have high bond strength. They are stain-resistant and also non-abrasive. Gingival tissue tolerates porcelain better than composite veneers. These are permanent and irreversible.

Dentists send the impression of the prepared tooth and send it to labs that further prepare the veneer. On the next visit, dentists bond it to your tooth.

Resin/composite veneers:

Dentists prepare resin-based veneers using composite material in a single-visit process. It requires less cutting of the tooth structure than porcelain veneers. They are less expensive, as well, and are easy to repair. However, they wear out more quickly. They also stain easily and may need replacement more frequently. Shade matching is not as accurate when compared with porcelain veneers. 

If you are looking for long-term effects, you must choose porcelain veneers. 

Who can't get dental veneers?

Not everyone can be a good candidate for dental veneers. Cases where dental veneers are contraindicated include:

  • Decayed and compromised teeth, due to cavities. An unhealthy structure cannot support a dental veneer.

  • Young permanent teeth: Young teeth are not considered ideal for dental veneers as they are still in the developmental stage.

  • Teeth with insufficient enamel, as dental veneers require the removal of a portion of the enamel layer.

  • People with parafunctional oral habits, such as grinding of the teeth, can cause damage to the veneer. They are delicate shells and can wear easily with heavy forces of bruxism; they may break in severe cases.

  • People with poor oral hygiene.

  • People with periodontal issues.

  • Excessively fluoridated teeth make it difficult to etch, and therefore the bonding process cannot take place.

  • Patients with a high decay rate.

How to Maintain Your Dental Veneers:

No special maintenance is required if you have good oral hygiene practices. This is not a very high-maintenance procedure, although your dentist might give you some instructions to follow. Liquids with high staining abilities, such as tea, coffee, or soft drinks, should be consumed in limited amounts as they may stain the margins. Avoid biting your nails or chewing on hard substances like ice or raw rice to avoid the breakage of the veneer.

Patients with parafunctional habits should use a night guard to protect their teeth and veneers from wear and tear. You must visit the dental clinic every 6 months for regular check-ups.


Dental veneers are a long-term and permanent solution to your cosmetic problems. They are not as destructive as crowns and caps. Before making a decision, you must consult your dentist about the benefits and the risks of the treatment. Dental veneers restore confidence by giving you the perfect smile and improve your overall quality of life. Dental veneers are a promising alternative to other beautifying dental procedures.


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